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Balled & Burlap

Ball and Burlap (B&B) trees are the standard choice for large planting projects for commercial properties as the trees are substantially larger than bare root and container-grown stock at the time of planting. Some tree species such as evergreen trees like Fir and Spruce are often only available in B&B.

For this method, trees are grown at the nursery until they reach the appropriate size at which point they are dug up using heavy machinery wrapped in burlap and secured in a wire basket before being distributed to the client. When the trees are dug, the roots are cut, severing a large quantity of the fibrous, absorbing, and structural roots. Because of this, B&B trees often have the longest transplant period; the amount of time taken to recover from the transplant. This method of planting arguably requires the greatest amount of attention and aftercare with proper watering. The soil medium in which the tree is grown, typically a heavy clay, is kept with the root system. This can be problematic as the tree must be planted in similar soil types so water may penetrate and proper root growth can occur or the soil should be removed from the ball, planting the tree as a bare root.

Staking and strapping B&B trees is encouraged but may not be required given the size and weight of the tree and its root system. lf stakes and straps are used, Tree Savvy encourages the client to ensure the straps do not damage or girdle the tree.

Bare Root

Tree Savvy provides bare root trees for planting. These are trees that originally started in the ground in a nursery and have been taken out for winterization.

ABOUT Bare Root


Container grown trees are the most common nursery stock for homeowners and landscape companies. This method is essentially a “third party” method where nurseries and local garden…

ABOUT Potted

Balled & Burlap

Balled and burlapped (B&B) is a special process used for transplanting various types of trees, shrubs, or other plants.

ABOUT Balled & Burlap


Tree Savvy can transplant certain trees for clients. There’s a variety of reasons to transplant a tree including finding a more suitable location for a site-specific species.

ABOUT Transplant
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